Saturday, May 21, 2016

Eating up the Hill: Rob Jamieson's Liberal constitutional buffet

Last Monday I attended a briefing on amendments to the Liberal Party of Canada constitution at the Farmteam Cookhouse on Sparks Street. The party sprang for a few plates of appetizers, and Liberal carpenter Rob Jamieson strongly insisted I report on the nibbles.

There were a variety of cold appetizers, including veggies, meat and cheese, bread and crackers, and a fruit tray.

Veggies are veggies, they were fine. I enjoyed some fruit, particularly the pineapple. Usually it is cut in chunks, but the thin slices were a nice change. I'm not a big cured meat person, but it went quickly so the constitutionally curious seemed to enjoy it.

I do need to raise concerns, however, about the crackers. I was not a fan. They were not good crackers to pair with cheese. The texture and size were off, leading to a imbalanced cheese to cracker ratio. The cracker should never be the main show -- it is merely the cheese delivery vehicle.

Next time, I'd recommend less cracker, more crunch.

Now, on to Winnipeg. Hoping for pierogies in the Laurier lounge.

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